Building construction in Indonesia must adhere to technical requirements as imposed by the government. Government Regulation No 36 of 2005 regarding the Implementation of Law No. 28 of 2002 regarding Building (GR 36/2005) imposes an \"intensity requirement” for the construction of a building, whereby a building must be constructed not exceeding certain maximum density and height limits that are stipulated by the relevant regional government.
In the calculation of the maximum density and height limits, the following are terms commonly used, as well as the respective statutory definitions, which can be found in
Minister of Public Works and Housing Regulation No. 06/PRT/M/2007 of 2007 regarding General Guidelines for Building and Neighborhood Spatial Layout (MPW Reg 06/2007):
- KDB (Koefisien Dasar Bangunan, or Building Base Coefficient) - the comparative percentage between the area of a building\'s base floor that may be constructed and the whole area of the possessed land;
- KLB (Koefisien Lantai Bangunan, or Building Floor Coefficient) - the comparative percentage between the amount of the areas of all the floors that may be constructed and the whole area of the possessed land;
- KDH (Koefisien Dasar Hijau, or Green Base Coefficient) - the comparative percentage between the open space outside the building that is purposed for green area and the whole area of the possessed land; and
- KTB (Koefisien Tapak Basemen, or Basement Floor Coefficient) - the comparative percentage between the area of the basement floor and the whole area of the possessed land.
The specific guidelines for each region shall be based on the relevant regional regulations.
This first appeared in the Chambers Real Estate 2019 Guide, published by Chambers and Partners. You can find the full chapter here.
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