The Employment Law Alliance (ELA) is offering a free 90-minute webinar on Thursday, December 4, on "Privacy v. the Employer's Right to Know: Hot Issues that Straddle the Can-Am Border."
Program Description
Workplace privacy continues to be an important focus for employers, particularly those who operate in both Canada and the U.S. While most businesses try hard to protect their employees' privacy and avoid getting involved in their off-duty activities, there are times when an employer is faced with the prospect of legitimately needing to look into or take into account an employee's personal life. This webinar brings together a panel of legal experts from Canada and the U.S., who will provide practical guidance on how to successfully navigate and resolve these issues in their respective countries. They will address:
- Medical or legal marijuana - Does it change the analysis? Can employers restrict its use or presence in the workplace?
- The latest rules and development on drug and alcohol testing of employees and whether medical drug use changes the equation.
- Criminal records searches and privacy issues- Just how deeply can employers (or prospective employers) dig into an employee's background and what information is permissible to access?
Who Should Attend?
The webinar is an invitation-only event exclusively for clients of ELA member law firms. The information presented will be of particular interest to:
- In-house Counsel
- Human Resources Professionals
- Corporate Executives and Business Owners
Click here to register and then click the register now link. Please be sure to confirm the corresponding start time in your local time zone.
About the Employment Law Alliance
The Employment Law Alliance is the most comprehensive network of labor and employment attorneys in the world. ELA members provide employment, labor, and immigration expertise in more than 135 countries around the globe. They work closely to ensure that their clients' legal matters are handled seamlessly wherever they do business. ELA provides a smarter, more efficient and effective alternative to using a multinational law firm.
SSEK is the Indonesian member of the Employment Law Alliance. For more information, click here.