Blog Category: Legal Updates

Energy Transition in Indonesia

The Indonesian government expects geothermal, hydropower and bioenergy to be among the primary energy sources in Indonesia from 2015 until 2050, as outlined in Presidential Regulation No. 22 of 2017 regarding the National Energy General Plan (PR 22/2017). PR 22/2017 also aims to increase the share of renewable energy in the energy supply mix from Energy Transition in Indonesia

Indonesia Government Regulation Looks to Attract Investors to IKN with Improved Incentives

In 2023, the Indonesian government issued Government Regulation No. 12 of 2023 regarding the Issuance of Business Licenses, Ease of Doing Business, and Investment Facilities for Business Actors Within the Capital City of Nusantara (Ibu Kota Nusantara or “IKN”) (“GR 12/2023”) to attract investors to invest and do business in IKN and areas of Kalimantan Indonesia Government Regulation Looks to Attract Investors to IKN with Improved Incentives

Ship Collision and Salvage in Indonesia

Indonesia has ratified the 1972 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, by way of Presidential Decree No. 50 of 1979, but has not ratified the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law with respect to Collisions between Vessels. Liability in the event of ship collisions is also regulated by the Indonesian Commercial Ship Collision and Salvage in Indonesia

Indonesia Legal Update: New OJK Regulation on Insurance Products and Marketing

A new Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK”) regulation set to come into effect shortly will affect the products and marketing of insurance companies in Indonesia. OJK Regulation No. 8 of 2024 regarding Insurance Products and Marketing Channels for Insurance Products (“OJK Reg. 8/2024”) was stipulated on April 25, 2024, and will Indonesia Legal Update: New OJK Regulation on Insurance Products and Marketing

Regulating the Promotion or Use of Cryptoassets in Indonesia

The crypto industry in Indonesia falls under the auspices of the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti), under the Ministry of Trade (MOT) and in coordination with other institutions such as the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MOCI). The MOT has acknowledged cryptoassets, including but not Regulating the Promotion or Use of Cryptoassets in Indonesia

Corporate Governance in Indonesia: Management of a Company

Indonesia’s Company Law (Law No 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies, as last amended by the provisions of the Job Creations Law) recognizes three primary bodies within the corporate structure of Indonesian companies: the board of directors (BOD), the board of commissioners (BOC), and the general meeting of shareholders (GMS). Each of these principal Corporate Governance in Indonesia: Management of a Company

Indonesia Data Protection: What Categories and Types of Personal Information Are Covered by the Law?

Pursuant to Law No. 27 of 2022 regarding Personal Data Protection (PDP Law), personal data is understood as all data concerning a person, whether identified or who may be identified independently or when combined with other information, either directly or indirectly, through an electronic or non-electronic system. The PDP Law recognizes two types of personal Indonesia Data Protection: What Categories and Types of Personal Information Are Covered by the Law?

Indonesia Mining Sector: Regulatory Changes Pave the Way for Local Empowerment

From nickel to gold, Indonesia is recognized as having one of the world’s largest mineral reserves. Given the importance of the mining sector to the nation’s economic growth and the global market, there is a need for more favorable regulation of Indonesia’s mining sector to ensure standards of compliance that protect employees, communities, and the Indonesia Mining Sector: Regulatory Changes Pave the Way for Local Empowerment