Blog Category: Legal Updates

Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Indonesia: Sensitive Data

Indonesia’s Electronic Information Law, Government Regulation 82 regarding the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions, and MOCI Regulation 20 regarding the Pro­tection of Personal Data in Electronic Systems (jointly referred to as the PDP Regulations) do not provide a specific definition of sensitive data, and consequently no special issues apply. There are, however, several laws Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Indonesia: Sensitive Data

Deadline Looming for Companies in Indonesia to Amend Articles of Association

Limited liability companies in Indonesia are being required to amend Article 3 of their Articles of Association (AoA) so their purpose, objectives and business activities conform to the 2017 Standard Indonesian Business Field Classifications (KBLI) used as a reference by the BKPM, as the agency overseeing the Online Single Submission (OSS) system. The Indonesian Ministry Deadline Looming for Companies in Indonesia to Amend Articles of Association

Representations and Warranties in an Indonesian Real Estate Sale Transaction

By Denny Rahmansyah Indonesian law is silent as to the warranties that should be given in a real estate sale transaction, by both the seller and the buyer. Representations and warranties, as well as the buyer\'s remedies for the seller\'s misrepresentation, in a real estate sale transaction shall be freely agreed between the seller and Representations and Warranties in an Indonesian Real Estate Sale Transaction

Labor and Employment Law in Indonesia – Background Information on Applicants

There is no prohibition against background checks on job applicants in Indonesia. Employers in Indonesia can perform background checks on appli­cants themselves or by using a third-party service. Certain background checks are, in practice, subject to the consent of the applicant. Medical Checks An employer can require a potential employee to undergo a medical examination Labor and Employment Law in Indonesia – Background Information on Applicants

Client Alert: Deadline Looming for Companies in Indonesia to Amend Articles of Association

Limited liability companies in Indonesia are being required to amend as necessary Article 3 of their Articles of Association (AoA) so their purpose, objectives and business activities conform to the 2017 Standard Indonesian Business Field Classifications (KBLI) used as a reference by the BKPM, as the agency overseeing the Online Single Submission (OSS) system. The Client Alert: Deadline Looming for Companies in Indonesia to Amend Articles of Association

Bodies and Functions Involved in Governance and Management of Indonesian Companies

By Rusmaini Lenggogeni The principal bodies and functions involved in the govern­ance and management of Indonesian companies under the Company Law are the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Board of Directors (BOD) and Board of Commis­sioners (BOC). The BOD constitutes the company\'s management. The mem­bers of the BOD are the day-to-day operating officers of the Bodies and Functions Involved in Governance and Management of Indonesian Companies

Court Proceedings Go Digital in Indonesia

The Indonesian Supreme Court has introduced the e-Litigasi, or e-Litigation, application intended to make the court process in the country faster, simpler and less expensive. Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2019 regarding the Administration of Lawsuits and Court Proceedings by Electronic Means (SC Reg 1/2019) was issued on August 19, 2019, and came into Court Proceedings Go Digital in Indonesia

Client Alert: New Rules on Positions for Expatriate Workers in Indonesia

The Minister of Manpower has issued a decree containing a positive list of those positions that are open to expatriate workers in Indonesia. After intensive discussions among various foreign business chambers and the Ministry of Manpower and other government institutions since March of this year, Minister of Manpower (“MOM“) Decree No. 228 of 2019 (“MOM Client Alert: New Rules on Positions for Expatriate Workers in Indonesia

Mining Industry in Indonesia

By Fitriana Mahiddin and Karisa Pangaribuan Indonesia is a major player in the global mining industry. With its immense mineral reserves and production industry, Indonesia aims to develop an attractive investment climate that is favourable to the interests of both investors and the Indonesian government. There are still challenges that demand the attention of the Mining Industry in Indonesia

Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Indonesia: General Requirements

Indonesia’s Electronic Information Law, Government Regulation 82 regarding the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions, and MOCI Regulation 20 regarding the Pro­tection of Personal Data in Electronic Systems (jointly referred to as the PDP Regulations) require Electronic System Providers (ESPs) to adopt an internal policy related to the protection of personal data for the pur­pose Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Indonesia: General Requirements