Blog Category: Legal Updates

Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Indonesia: Online Marketing

Indonesia’s Electronic Information Law, Government Regulation 82 regarding the Implementation of Electronic Systems and Transactions, and Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MOCI) Regulation 20 regarding the Pro­tection of Personal Data in Electronic Systems (jointly referred to as the PDP Regulations) are silent on the sending of unsolicited commercial or marketing communications. While it is not Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Indonesia: Online Marketing

New Merger Control Rules in Indonesia: Mandatory Notification of Asset Acquisitions

By Indrawan Dwi Yuriutomo On October 2, 2019, Indonesia\'s Business Competition Supervisory Commission (Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha or \"KPPU”) issued Regulation No. 3 Year 2019 regarding Assessments of Mergers or Consolidations of Business Entities or Acquisitions of Company Shares which May Result in Monopolistic and/or Unfair Business Competition Practices (\"Reg. No. 3”). Asset Acquisition An New Merger Control Rules in Indonesia: Mandatory Notification of Asset Acquisitions

Indonesia Considers Opening Investment Opportunities for Foreign Hospitals

Indonesia is said to be considering changes to the so-called Negative List that would ease the way for the establishment of foreign hospitals here. What are these changes and what would they mean to investors?   The chairman of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal or “BKPM”), Thomas Lembong, said on February Indonesia Considers Opening Investment Opportunities for Foreign Hospitals

Indonesia Real Estate Transactions – Soil Pollution or Environmental Contamination

By Denny Rahmansyah If soil pollution or environmental contamination is already present when the buyer in a real estate transaction in Indonesia becomes the legal owner of the land, it is possible the buyer will be responsible for such pollution or contamination, unless the buyer can prove that it did not cause the pollution or Indonesia Real Estate Transactions – Soil Pollution or Environmental Contamination

Labor and Employment Law in Indonesia – Hiring

The Indonesian Labor Law provides that each employee shall be entitled to equal treatment from the employer without discrimination. Each employee has the same rights and opportunities to obtain a decent job and live­lihood without discrimination by sex, ethnic group, race, religion or political orientation, in accordance with the interests and abilities of the employee, Labor and Employment Law in Indonesia – Hiring

Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Types of Decisions Made by Governing Bodies

By Rusmaini Lenggogeni Pursuant to the provisions set out in the Indonesian Company Law, the Board of Directors (BOD), Board of Commissioners (BOC) and shareholders of companies in Indonesia have separate duties and func­tions. The members of the BOD are the day-to-day operat­ing officers of the company. The Company Law gives the BOD the right Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Types of Decisions Made by Governing Bodies

Indonesia Looks to Accelerate Battery Electric Vehicle Program

On August 18, 2019, Indonesian President Joko Widodo enacted Presidential Regulation No. 55 of 2019 regarding the Acceleration of Battery Electric Vehicle Programs for Road Transportation (“PR 55/2019“). This regulation is intended to outline the measures that will be taken by the Indonesian government to promote and accelerate the implementation of various battery electric vehicle Indonesia Looks to Accelerate Battery Electric Vehicle Program

Draft of New Indonesian Criminal Code and the Potential Impact on Corporations

The Indonesian House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or “DPR“) has been considering revisions to the country’s Criminal Code. Some of the proposed changes could have a significant impact on companies in Indonesia. One of the biggest changes in the draft Criminal Code (Rancangan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana or “RKUHP“) would be to recognize corporations Draft of New Indonesian Criminal Code and the Potential Impact on Corporations

Does National Insurance Requirement Mean Rough Seas for Coal Shipments?

By Fransiscus Rodyanto and Bima Danubrata Adhijoso A recently published surveyor report (laporan surveryor) on Indonesian coal exports noted that as of March 2019, of 1,095 coal shipments in 2019 only 9% were insured under a national insurance company. This number is alarming for both the Government and coal exporters in Indonesia, given that just Does National Insurance Requirement Mean Rough Seas for Coal Shipments?