Blog Category: Legal Updates

OJK Takes Broader Approach to Material Transactions and Change of Business Activities by Public Companies in Indonesia

The Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK“) has introduced new rules concerning material transactions and changes of main business activities by public companies in Indonesia. This development should be welcomed by industry players who have been awaiting the issuance of this new regulation since a draft of it was circulated in early 2019. OJK Takes Broader Approach to Material Transactions and Change of Business Activities by Public Companies in Indonesia

COVID-19 and the Protection of Highest-Risk Employees in Indonesia

By Indrawan D. Yuriutomo After a significant number of employees in Indonesia were infected with COVID-19 in their workplaces, the Ministry of Manpower has taken steps to improve protections for workers. On May 28, 2020, the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower issued Circular Letter No. M/8/HK.04/V/2020 regarding the Protection of Employees Against Corona Virus Disease 2019 COVID-19 and the Protection of Highest-Risk Employees in Indonesia

Indonesia’s OJK Introduces Electronic GMS Regulations

When the Indonesian Company Law (“Law Number 40 of 2007“) was enacted more than a decade ago, it introduced, through Article 77, the possibility of convening a General Meeting of Shareholders (“GMS“) virtually, such as through an electronic platform with video or teleconference facilities (“E-GMS“). In practice, however, the use of E-GMS has been uncommon Indonesia’s OJK Introduces Electronic GMS Regulations

Prohibitions, Restrictions Under Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Draft Law

A draft law on personal data protection (“PDP Draft Law“) has been signed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo and is being discussed by the House of Representatives. Several government officials have been quoted in the media saying they expect the PDP Draft Law to be passed and enacted in 2020. This article looks at some Prohibitions, Restrictions Under Indonesia’s Personal Data Protection Draft Law

With GDPR as Guide, Indonesia Nears Major Changes to Rights of Personal Data Owners

Indonesia appears ready to enact a new law on the protection of personal data. A draft law on personal data protection (“PDP Draft Law“) has been signed by President Joko Widodo and is being discussed by the House of Representatives. Several government officials have been quoted in the media saying they expect the PDP Draft With GDPR as Guide, Indonesia Nears Major Changes to Rights of Personal Data Owners

Indonesia’s New Data Protection Rules Move Toward Passage

After a number of data breaches underlined the urgency of comprehensive data protection rules, Indonesia expects to pass a data protection law in 2020, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns. On January 24, 2020, Indonesian President Joko Widodo signed a draft law on personal data protection (the “PDP Draft Law“). The PDP Draft Indonesia’s New Data Protection Rules Move Toward Passage

Indonesian Government Imposes VAT on Imported Digital Goods and Services

Indonesia’s Minister of Finance (“MOF“) recently issued a regulation on the imposition of value-added tax (“VAT“) on intangible taxable goods and services, including digital goods and services, from foreign technology companies that are utilized in Indonesia. These new rules on VAT are contained in MOF Regulation No. 48/PMK.03/2020 regarding Procedures for the Appointment of Collectors Indonesian Government Imposes VAT on Imported Digital Goods and Services

The New Normal – Indonesian Health Minister Issues COVID-19 Workplace Guidelines

In an effort to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19 while supporting economic sustainability, the Indonesian health minister has issued protocols for the management of workplaces to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 and protect workers as much as possible, as well as protocols for workers themselves in the face of changes brought about by The New Normal – Indonesian Health Minister Issues COVID-19 Workplace Guidelines

Indonesia Introduces Significant Changes to Mining Law

By Fitriana Mahiddin, Fransiscus Rodyanto and Ahmad Charlie Rivai Malessy Indonesia\'s House of Representatives has passed a long-awaited amendment to the Mining Law, which promises to introduce significant changes to the sector and how mining companies operate in the country. After years of deliberation, the House passed the bill (the \"Mining Bill”) on May 12, Indonesia Introduces Significant Changes to Mining Law