Blog Category: Legal Updates

Indonesia Omnibus Law – Simplification of Business Licensing and Investment Requirements

Indonesia’s closely watched omnibus jobs creation bill recently became law. The stated aim of Law No. 11 Year 2020 on Jobs Creation (the “Omnibus Law“) is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia. The Omnibus Law, among other things, Indonesia Omnibus Law – Simplification of Business Licensing and Investment Requirements

Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Corporate Control

There is nothing in the law that prohibits anti-takeover devices. Notwithstanding this, Law No. 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies (the Company Law) protects the interests of minority shareholders; minority shareholders who do not agree with the takeover can request the target company to purchase their shares at a fair price. Every shareholder is Corporate Governance in Indonesia – Corporate Control

Building Failure Liability in Indonesia’s Construction Sector

A new regulation has introduced significant changes to the implementation of Indonesia’s Construction Services Law, which will affect business actors in the country’s construction sector. The new regulation, Government Regulation Number 22 of 2020 (“GR 22“) regarding Implementing Regulations of Law Number 2 of 2017 regarding Construction Services (January 12, 2017) (the “Construction Services Law“), Building Failure Liability in Indonesia’s Construction Sector

Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Competition Law and What They Mean for Business Players

Indonesia’s closely watched omnibus jobs creation bill recently became law. The stated aim of Law No. 11 Year 2020 on Jobs Creation (the “Omnibus Law“) is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia. The Omnibus Law revises various provisions Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Competition Law and What They Mean for Business Players

Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Immigration Law

Indonesia’s closely watched omnibus jobs creation bill recently became law. The stated aim of Law No. 11 of 2020 regarding Job Creation (2 November 2020) (the “Omnibus Law“) is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia. The Omnibus Law, Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Immigration Law

Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Shareholders and Voting Rights

Protections for shareholders and/or minority shareholders under the Indonesian Company Law are as follows:   A shareholder can file a claim at the district court against the company if they suffer unfair and unreasonable losses as a consequence of resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders (GMS), board of directors (BOD), or board of commissioners Establishing a Business in Indonesia – Shareholders and Voting Rights

Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Halal Products Law

Indonesia’s closely watched omnibus jobs creation bill recently became law. The stated aim of Law No. 11 Year 2020 on Jobs Creation (the “Omnibus Law“) is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia The Omnibus Law revises various provisions Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Halal Products Law

E-commerce in Indonesia – Security

By regulation, an electronic system provider in Indonesia is obligated to guarantee the security of the software used to facilitate and administer the electronic system services, as well as to assure that an information security agreement is available. In practice, an electronic system provider is required to establish a security system that has a system E-commerce in Indonesia – Security