Blog Category: Legal Updates

E-commerce in Indonesia – Domain Names

Registration of a domain name in Indonesia is administered on a first-come, first-served basis. The process, which is straightforward, is initiated by the domain name user submitting an application along with the required supporting documents to the domain name registrar. The domain name registration process shall not take more than five business days after a E-commerce in Indonesia – Domain Names

Indonesia’s Omnibus Law Puts Focus on Direct Use of Geothermal Resources

The Indonesian Government enacted Law No. 11 of 2020 regarding Jobs Creation (the “Omnibus Law“) on November 2, 2020. The stated aim of the Omnibus Law is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia. The Omnibus Law amends various Indonesia’s Omnibus Law Puts Focus on Direct Use of Geothermal Resources

Employment Law Quarterly Update for Indonesia and Asia

SSEK Legal Consultants has contributed the Indonesia section of the new Asia Employment Law: Quarterly Review of employment law developments across 15 jurisdictions in Asia. In this edition, experts from around Asia flag and comment on employment law developments during the third quarter of 2020 and highlight some of the major legislative, consultative, policy and case law Employment Law Quarterly Update for Indonesia and Asia

Indonesia Shipping Law – Maritime Claims

Maritime claims are already regulated in Indonesia under Law No. 17 of 2008 regarding Shipping (the “Shipping Law”). However, under the elucidation of Article 223 of the Shipping Law, maritime claims are conducted in accordance with the provisions on vessel arrest. According to Article 222 of the Shipping Law, requests for vessel arrests are submitted Indonesia Shipping Law – Maritime Claims

Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Shipping Law Hint at Smoother Sailing for Business

Indonesian President Joko Widodo recently signed Law No. 11 of 2020 on Jobs Creation (the “Omnibus Law“). The stated aim of the Omnibus Law is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia. The Omnibus Law revises various provisions in Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Shipping Law Hint at Smoother Sailing for Business

Investing in Indonesia – Imports

There are certain restrictions on the importation into Indonesia of commercial goods, depending on the particular goods/products. For example, the importation of sugar requires a special licence and is only allowed for the purpose of use as a raw material to support the production process. This restriction was imposed to protect Indonesia’s domestic sugar industry. Investing in Indonesia – Imports

Indonesia Omnibus Law – Impact on Postal, Telecom and Broadcasting Sectors

Indonesia’s closely watched omnibus jobs creation bill became law on November 2. The stated aim of Law No. 11 Year 2020 on Jobs Creation (the “Omnibus Law“) is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process from the ministries to the central government to improve the ease of doing Indonesia Omnibus Law – Impact on Postal, Telecom and Broadcasting Sectors

Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Oil and Gas Law

Indonesia’s closely watched omnibus jobs creation bill recently became law. The stated aim of Law No. 11 Year 2020 on Jobs Creation (the “Omnibus Law“) is to boost investment and create jobs by streamlining regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of doing business in Indonesia. The Omnibus Law amends various provisions Indonesia Omnibus Law – Changes to the Oil and Gas Law