Blog Category: Legal Updates

Mandatory Reporting Mechanism on Termination of Employment in Indonesia

With the enactment of the Job Creation Law (Law. No. 11 of 2020) on November 2, 2020, there have been important changes related to termination of employment in Indonesia. Termination now only requires notice of termination, except in certain circumstances. Government Regulation No. 35 of 2021, an implementing regulation for the Manpower Law as amended Mandatory Reporting Mechanism on Termination of Employment in Indonesia

Shipping Law – Indonesia

SSEK partner Stephen I. Warokka and Mutiara K. Ramadhani, an associate at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia to the Chambers Shipping 2022 global guide. The guide provides the latest information on port state control, marine casualties and owners’ liability, cargo claims, maritime liens and ship arrests, passenger claims, ship-owners’ income tax relief and the Shipping Law – Indonesia

Indonesia: Oil & Gas Comparative Guide

SSEK partner Fitriana Mahiddin and Fadhira Mediana, an associate at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter to the Mondaq Oil and Gas Comparative Guide. Fitriana and Fadhira provide an overview of the regulatory environment for Indonesia\'s oil and gas sector. They cover key topics including exploration and production, surface rights, processing, refining and export, Indonesia: Oil & Gas Comparative Guide

Indonesia Social Security Program: Mandatory Contributions in 2022

In general, all employees in Indonesia, including expatriates who work for a minimum of six months in the country, must participate in and make contributions to the National Social Security System (Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional or \"SJSN”), which is administered by the Social Security Administration Board (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial or \"BPJS”). The BPJS has Indonesia Social Security Program: Mandatory Contributions in 2022

Comparative Guide to Cryptocurrency Legislation & Guidelines

SSEK has contributed the Indonesia chapter to The Law Firm Network\'s 2022 Comparative Guide to Cryptocurrency Legislation & Guidelines. This guide intends to be a snapshot of the current cryptocurrency regulations in some of the countries that are represented at The Law Firm Network. Find the 2022 Comparative Guide to Cryptocurrency Legislation & Guidelines here. Comparative Guide to Cryptocurrency Legislation & Guidelines

Indonesia Legal Update: BI Regulations on Payment Systems

Indonesia\'s central bank, Bank Indonesia (\"BI”), has issued several regulations that reform the legal framework for payment systems in Indonesia. BI Regulation No. 22/23/PBI/2020 concerning Payment Systems (\"BI Reg 22/2020”), issued on July 1, 2021, is an umbrella regulation that reclassifies payment system providers into: Payment System Providers (Penyedia Jasa Pembayaran or \"PJP”), which are Indonesia Legal Update: BI Regulations on Payment Systems

Indonesia Employment Law – Looking Back and Looking Ahead

In 2021, Indonesia’s employment sector was again impacted by the enforcement of the government’s Covid-19 lockdown policy and the continued implementation of the work from home (“WFH“) system. Separately, and just as significantly, the Indonesian Constitutional Court ruled in November that Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation (the “Omnibus Law“), which made significant Indonesia Employment Law – Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Indonesia Loosens Immigration Restrictions Introduced in Response to Covid-19

Indonesia recently took a step toward reopening to international travelers, easing some of the immigration restrictions introduced to limit the spread and minimize the risk of Covid-19. As part of this cautious reopening, the Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration has issued new guidelines for the granting of visas, entry stamps and stay permits. SSEK looks Indonesia Loosens Immigration Restrictions Introduced in Response to Covid-19