Blog Category: Legal Updates

Restructuring and Insolvency in Indonesia: Overview

SSEK partners Denny Rahmansyah and Mahareksha Singh Dillon have written a Q&A guide to restructuring and insolvency law in Indonesia. Restructuring and Insolvency in Indonesia: Overview The Indonesia restructuring and insolvency Q&A provides a high-level overview of the most common forms of security granted over immovable and movable property; creditors’ and shareholders’ ranking on a Restructuring and Insolvency in Indonesia: Overview

Setting Up a Foreign-Owned Outsourcing Company in Indonesia

(15 July 2022) Indonesia\'s Omnibus Law (Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation), which was issued on November 2, 2020, set new standards for employment terms and conditions by introducing new concepts and rules, including for the establishment of foreign investment outsourcing companies. The outsourcing rules under Indonesia\'s old Labor Law were confusing and Setting Up a Foreign-Owned Outsourcing Company in Indonesia

Corporate Immigration in Indonesia

SSEK partner Stephen Igor Warokka and Yan Diaz Maulana Siregar, an associate at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter of the new Corporate Immigration Review. The Corporate Immigration Review surveys and analyses the most noteworthy aspects of business immigration law and practice, with a focus on the most consequential recent developments. It also covers key international treaty obligations; Corporate Immigration in Indonesia

Dispute Resolution in Indonesia

SSEK partner Mahareksha S. Dillon and Daniel Nicholas P. Pakpahan, an associate at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter to Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution 2022. This multi-jurisdictional guide provides local insights into litigation, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution (ADR), including court systems; limitation issues; starting proceedings and timetable for proceedings; Dispute Resolution in Indonesia

Alert for Employers in Indonesia: Time to Amend Work Rules

When the Indonesian Government issued Law No. 11 Year 2020 on Job Creation it amended and eliminated, among other things, general provisions on termination procedures and benefits previously stipulated by the Indonesian Manpower Law. The subsequent implementing regulations also specified new rules under the Job Creation Law. With these changes in mind, employers in Indonesia Alert for Employers in Indonesia: Time to Amend Work Rules

Guide to Labor & Employment Law in Indonesia

SSEK partner Syahdan Z. Aziz has contributed the Indonesia chapter to the 2022 Lexology Getting the Deal Through Labor & Employment guide. This quick reference guide provides local insight into labor and employment law. Syahdan, in the Q&A guide to Indonesia, discusses, among other topics, protected employee categories and enforcement agencies; worker representation; checks on Guide to Labor & Employment Law in Indonesia

BPJS Healthcare Participation as a Requirement for Public Services in Indonesia

In early 2022, the President of Indonesia issued a directive aimed at encouraging those who are eligible to participate in the National Health Insurance program, or BPJS Healthcare, by making proof of BPJS Healthcare participation a requirement for accessing business licensing and public services. In Directive of the President No. 11 of 2022 on the BPJS Healthcare Participation as a Requirement for Public Services in Indonesia

Tech Listings in Indonesia May Benefit from OJK Rule

Indonesia\'s Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or \"OJK”) has issued a rule that may provide a sweetener for tech startups to undertake an initial public offering (\"IPO”) in Indonesia. OJK Rule No. 22/POJK.04/2021 on the Stipulation of a Share Classification with Multiple Voting Rights by Issuers with Innovation and High Growth Rates Conducting a Tech Listings in Indonesia May Benefit from OJK Rule