Blog Category: Legal Updates

SSEK Contributes Indonesia Chapter to Renewable Energy Guide

SSEK partners Fitriana Mahiddin, and Syahdan Z. Aziz,  and Shafira Anindia Alif Hexagraha, an associate at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter to International Comparative Legal Guide – Renewable Energy 2023, published by Global Legal Group. ICLG – Renewable Energy covers common issues in renewable energy laws and regulations, including the renewable energy market, SSEK Contributes Indonesia Chapter to Renewable Energy Guide

Renewable Energy Laws and Regulations – Indonesia

International Comparative Legal Guide – Renewable Energy 2023, published by Global Legal Group   ICLG – Renewable Energy covers common issues in renewable energy laws and regulations, including the renewable energy market, sale of renewable energy and financial incentives, consents and permits, and storage. Download the Indonesia chapter of ICLG – Renewable Energy here.

Indonesia Update: Preferential Tariffs Under the RCEP and IK-CEPA

In an effort to bolster international trade, the Government of Indonesia recently ratified two free trade agreements. It ratified the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (“RCEP”) agreement with the enactment of Law No. 24 of 2022 regarding the Ratification of RCEP (“Law 24/2022”), and it ratified the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement Between the Government of the Indonesia Update: Preferential Tariffs Under the RCEP and IK-CEPA

Indonesia Introduces Electronic Stamp Duty: A Quick Update for Companies

The concept of electronic stamp duty (“e-stamp duty”) was introduced in Indonesia by Law No. 10 of 2020 regarding Stamp Duty (bea meterai), which came into effect on January 1, 2021 (“Stamp Duty Law”). The e-stamp duty was introduced to manage stamp duties for electronic documents, as more business was done online. To be clear, Indonesia Introduces Electronic Stamp Duty: A Quick Update for Companies

SSEK Contributes Indonesia Chapter to Contract Laws of Asia – Liquidated Damages and Penalty Clauses

SSEK partner Fransiscus Rodyanto and Fadhira Mediana, an associate at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter to a new publication, Contract Laws of Asia – Liquidated Damages and Penalty Clauses. The publication was released by the Asian Business Law Institute (ABLI) with support from its parent organization, the Singapore Academy of Law. Contract Laws SSEK Contributes Indonesia Chapter to Contract Laws of Asia – Liquidated Damages and Penalty Clauses

Indonesia Renewable Energy Update: Indonesia’s National Energy Policy and Fostering Renewable Energy Development

Eight years ago, the Government of Indonesia (“GOI”) issued Government Regulation No. 79 of 2014, dated October 17, 2014, regarding National Energy Policy (“NEP”), with the aim of achieving an energy mix of a minimum 23% renewable energy and a maximum 30% coal by 2025. According to Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook 2022, from the Institute Indonesia Renewable Energy Update: Indonesia’s National Energy Policy and Fostering Renewable Energy Development

Government Regulation In Lieu of Law Replaces Job Creation Law: What It Means for Indonesia Employment Sector

The Indonesian Government has issued a regulation to revoke and replace the Job Creation Law following the Constitutional Court ruling ordering the government to amend parts of law within two years. Effective as of December 30, 2022, Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 2 Year 2022 (“Perppu No. 2”) revokes and replaces Law No. Government Regulation In Lieu of Law Replaces Job Creation Law: What It Means for Indonesia Employment Sector

Criminal Liability for Corporations Under Indonesia’s New Criminal Code

Indonesia recently unveiled its new Criminal Code (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana or “KUHP”). This article looks specifically at how the new KUHP affects corporations in Indonesia and key provisions of which companies should be aware.   Corporate Criminal Liability The new KUHP introduces a set of provisions on corporate criminal liability which were previously provided Criminal Liability for Corporations Under Indonesia’s New Criminal Code

Nationalisation Risk: Will Host Countries Hedge Their Bets Between Article 6 and the Voluntary Carbon Markets?

COP27 has affirmed the view that country authorisation frameworks are a critical issue in making Article 6 markets operational. Countries will have to enact legislation to establish or put in place a national control or authorisation framework (National Framework) to facilitate or enable them to (i) comply with their Paris Agreement reporting obligations under Articles Nationalisation Risk: Will Host Countries Hedge Their Bets Between Article 6 and the Voluntary Carbon Markets?