Blog Category: Legal Updates

Directorate General of Sea Transportation Reaffirms Requirement to Have Indonesian Shipping Company as Majority Shareholder for Vessel Registration

Following the major change in 2021 to the criteria for the registration of vessels in Indonesia, the Director General of Sea Transportation (“DGST”) has reaffirmed that any company that wishes to register a vessel in Indonesia for commercial purposes must have an Indonesian sea transportation company as its majority shareholder. The elucidation to Article 93 Directorate General of Sea Transportation Reaffirms Requirement to Have Indonesian Shipping Company as Majority Shareholder for Vessel Registration

Complex Commercial Litigation – Indonesia

Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Complex Commercial Litigation: Indonesia provides local insight into the litigation market and legal framework; pre-action considerations (including alternative dispute resolution); bringing and defending a claim; procedural steps; funding; costs; appeals; cross-border enforcement; the advantages and disadvantages of litigating in this jurisdiction; and recent trends. Legal Framework Governing Commercial Litigation Complex Commercial Litigation – Indonesia

Data Protection & Privacy – Indonesia

Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Data Protection & Privacy: Indonesia provides local insight into the legislative framework; relevant authorities; treatment of breaches; legitimate processing; data handling responsibilities of PII owners; security obligations; internal controls, including the data protection officer; registration formalities transfer and disclosure of PII; rights of individuals; judicial supervision; specific data processing Data Protection & Privacy – Indonesia

Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management Business Licensing in Indonesia

The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry has issued an implementing regulation that addresses required licensing for hazardous and toxic waste (“LB3”) management business activities. SSEK’s Denny Rahmansyah and Shafira A. Hexagraha look at the specific procedures to secure LB3 Management Business Licensing for Business Actors, including the relevant Indonesian Standard Industrial Classifications (“KBLIs”) for Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management Business Licensing in Indonesia

New Regulation on Revenue Sharing Funds for Palm Oil Plantations in Indonesia

The Indonesian government recently issued a regulation on revenue sharing funds for palm oil plantations, Government Regulation No. 38 of 2023 dated July 24, 2023, regarding Palm Oil Plantation Revenue Sharing Fund (“Palm Oil RSF”) (“GR 38/2023”). Before the enactment of GR 38/2023, only two types of revenue sharing funds were recognized under Minister of New Regulation on Revenue Sharing Funds for Palm Oil Plantations in Indonesia

Indonesia’s Financial Sector Omnibus Law: Securities Crowdfunding

In January 2023, Indonesia enacted Law No. 4 of 2023 on Financial Sector Development and Strengthening, or in Indonesian Pengembangan dan Penguatan Sektor Keuangan (PPSK), which is better known as the Financial Sector Omnibus Law, to regulate the country’s financial sector. Comprising 27 chapters and 341 articles and replacing or amending 17 laws, the Financial Indonesia’s Financial Sector Omnibus Law: Securities Crowdfunding

Vessel-Owning JV Companies Must Have Indonesian Shipping Company as Majority Shareholder for Vessel Registration

Following the enactment of the Omnibus Law (Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation) on November 2, 2020, the Government of Indonesia issued various implementing government regulations to regulate a wide array of sectors, including the shipping sector. On February 2, 2021, the Government of Indonesia issued Government Regulation No. 31 of 2021 dated Vessel-Owning JV Companies Must Have Indonesian Shipping Company as Majority Shareholder for Vessel Registration

GR 40/2023: Golden Visa and Other Amendments to Indonesian Immigration System

The Indonesian Government recently introduced changes to the country’s immigration system aimed at supporting post-Covid-19 economic development, attracting greater flows of investment, and helping to create an investment climate that attracts highly skilled talent. One of the notable highlights is the introduction of the so-called golden visa targeted at high-quality foreign nationals while maintaining a GR 40/2023: Golden Visa and Other Amendments to Indonesian Immigration System

Indonesia Renewable Energy Update: Overview of Carbon Trading for Power Plants

Presidential Regulation No. 112 of 2022 on the Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for Electricity Supply set in stone Indonesia’s energy transition strategy. Not long after that, at a G20 event, the Government of Indonesia declared its participation in Just Energy Transition Partnership as a platform to finance the decommissioning of Coal-Fired Power Plants. In Indonesia Renewable Energy Update: Overview of Carbon Trading for Power Plants

Financial Technology – Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm partner Winnie Yamashita Rolindrawan provides an in-depth overview of the fast-evolving fintech sector in Indonesia, including the licensing and marketing of fintech companies, in The Financial Technology Law Review. Fintech companies in Indonesia are regulated by Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Financial Services Authority (OJK), with each having its own scope of Financial Technology – Indonesia