Blog Category: Legal Updates

Construction and Projects in Indonesia – Practical Law Guide

SSEK Law Firm partner Denny Rahmansyah and associate Axel Cross have contributed a Q&A guide to Construction and Projects in Indonesia. This guide provides an overview of construction and projects law and practice in Indonesia. It discusses, among other topics, the use of standard forms of contracts, the allocation of risks, and summarizes the legal Construction and Projects in Indonesia – Practical Law Guide

Strengthening Indonesia’s Financial Sector: Key Impacts of OJK Regulation No. 40/2024 on IT-Based Co-Funding Services

On December 24, 2024, Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK”) issued a regulation aimed at improving the oversight and operational framework for peer-to-peer (“P2P”) lending platforms in the country (“P2P Organizers”). This new regulation is OJK Regulation No. 40 of 2024 regarding Information Technology-Based Co-Funding Services (“OJK Reg. 40/2024”), which supersedes OJK Strengthening Indonesia’s Financial Sector: Key Impacts of OJK Regulation No. 40/2024 on IT-Based Co-Funding Services

Why Certified Lighters Matter: New Indonesian Standards and Industry Compliance

On October 15, 2024, Indonesia issued Minister of Industry Regulation No. 51 of 2024 (“MOI Reg 51/2024”), introducing updated safety standards for lighters under the Indonesian National Standard (Standar Nasional Indonesia or “SNI”) framework. These new rules replace MOI Reg 72/2010 and mandate compliance with the updated SNI certification requirements. The updates target improved safety Why Certified Lighters Matter: New Indonesian Standards and Industry Compliance

Indonesia Legal Update: Clarification on Tax Disputes

Indonesia’s Supreme Court on December 17, 2024, issued a circular letter that, among other things, addresses several significant tax-related issues and aims to promote consistency in Indonesia’s tax jurisprudence. Circular Letter of the Supreme Court of Indonesia No. 2/2024 (“SEMA No. 2/2024”) implements the results of a plenary meeting of the Chambers of the Supreme Indonesia Legal Update: Clarification on Tax Disputes

Brief Look at the Legal Framework for Commercial Litigation in Indonesia

Indonesia’s main legal framework is based on the civil law system, adopted from Dutch colonial law. This system is primarily founded on written laws and statutes, rather than case law or judicial precedent, which is more characteristic of common law systems. Indonesia also recognizes customary law and religious law. The primary sources of law include Brief Look at the Legal Framework for Commercial Litigation in Indonesia

Fintech in Indonesia: Is Consumer Lending Regulated?

Consumer lending is regulated in Indonesia, with a particular focus on IT-based money lending services (peer-to-peer lending), as regulated under Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No. 10/POJK.05/2022 regarding Information Technology-Based Co-Financing Services (OJK Reg. 10/2022). This regulation requires providers of IT-based co-financing services to be a limited liability company and meet certain prerequisites. The OJK Fintech in Indonesia: Is Consumer Lending Regulated?

Corporate Governance in Indonesia: Appointment and Removal of Directors/Officers

As a general rule in Indonesia, the appointment of a member of the board of directors (BOD) is conducted through a general meeting of shareholders (GMS), in accordance with Article 94, paragraph 1 of the Company Law. Directors may be appointed for a specific term and may be reappointed. Each appointment is effective on the Corporate Governance in Indonesia: Appointment and Removal of Directors/Officers