Blog Category: Firm News

SSEK Senior Partner Ira Eddymurthy Profiled on Hukumonline Indonesia

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, was recently the subject of a lengthy profile on Hukumonline, a leading online provider of legal products and services in Indonesia. The profile traces Ira\'s career trajectory over the last 30-plus years, from her first job out of law school to helping found SSEK SSEK Senior Partner Ira Eddymurthy Profiled on Hukumonline Indonesia

SSEK Lawyers Named to Asia Business Law Journal A-List of Indonesian Lawyers

SSEK partners and foreign legal advisors have been named to Asia Business Law Journal’s A-List of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers. SSEK’s A-List lawyers are founding partners Dyah Soewito and Ira A. Eddymurthy, and foreign legal advisors Michael D. Twomey, Jonathan M. Streifer and Michael S. Carl. The A-List of Indonesia leading lawyers was compiled based SSEK Lawyers Named to Asia Business Law Journal A-List of Indonesian Lawyers

New Regulation in Indonesia on the Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas with Expiring PSCs

The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) has issued MEMR Regulation No. 23 of 2018 regarding the Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas which Production Sharing Contract Will Expire dated April 24, 2018 (MEMR Reg 23/2018). MEMR Reg 23/2018 revokes MEMR Regulation No. 15 of 2015 regarding the Management of Oil and Gas New Regulation in Indonesia on the Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas with Expiring PSCs

SSEK Partner Fransiscus Rodyanto Speaks about New Indonesian Regulation on Beneficial Ownership

SSEK partner Fransiscus Rodyanto was quoted extensively in an article by International Financial Law Review (IFLR), a leading online and print financial law publication, on Indonesia\'s new regulation on beneficial ownership. Indonesia\'s president recently issued Presidential Regulation No. 13 of 2018 regarding the Implementation of the Principle on Recognizing Beneficial Ownership of Corporations in the SSEK Partner Fransiscus Rodyanto Speaks about New Indonesian Regulation on Beneficial Ownership

SSEK Adviser Speaks to Chinese Companies about Investing in Indonesia

Michael S. Carl, an international legal adviser, at SSEK Indonesian Consultants, was a featured speaker at a recent conference in China, where he discussed foreign investment in Indonesia. His presentation, \"Indonesia: Navigating the Legal Landscape for Chinese Investors,” touched on issues including establishing a business and legal presence in Indonesia, land ownership by foreign investors SSEK Adviser Speaks to Chinese Companies about Investing in Indonesia

SSEK Assists on Acquisition of Luxury Resort in Bali

SSEK has assisted Minor International, one of the largest hospitality and leisure companies in the Asia-Pacific region, and Anantara Vacation Club on the acquisition of a luxury resort in Bali, Indonesia’s premier tourist destination. Anantara Vacation Club, one of Minor International’s brands and a leader in Asia’s shared vacation ownership industry, acquired the resort in SSEK Assists on Acquisition of Luxury Resort in Bali

SSEK Partner Denny Rahmansyah Quoted in Article on Facebook Data Breach

Denny Rahmansyah, the managing partner of SSEK, was quoted extensively in an article by MLex Market Insight on the global data privacy scandal involving Facebook and the British political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica. With Facebook facing a police investigation in Indonesia as part of the scandal, Denny discussed Indonesia\'s existing laws and regulations that touch SSEK Partner Denny Rahmansyah Quoted in Article on Facebook Data Breach