Blog Category: Firm News

SSEK Senior Partner Again Named to IFLR1000 Women Leaders for Indonesia

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Legal Consultants and one of Indonesia\'s leading corporate lawyers, has been recognized in IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2020, a guide to the world’s leading female transactional lawyers. She was also recognized in 2019. The lawyers selected for inclusion in the guide have impressive track records and are consistently SSEK Senior Partner Again Named to IFLR1000 Women Leaders for Indonesia

SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s Move to Tax Digital Goods and Services

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) contributed an article on Indonesia’s imposition of VAT on digital goods and services to the new issue of Asian-MENA Counsel magazine. Vitri looks at the new Indonesian Minister of Finance regulation on the collection, deposit and reporting of VAT for the use in Indonesia of intangible taxable goods and SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s Move to Tax Digital Goods and Services

SSEK Managing Partner Quoted in Article on Indonesia’s Data Protection Bill

Denny Rahmansyah, SSEK’s managing partner, was quoted in a recent article by MLex on Indonesia’s data protection bill. Denny discusses the obligations of data controllers under the data protection bill and the bill’s extraterritorial application. He also touches on the processing of the data of Indonesian nationals outside of Indonesia. Denny has extensive experience advising SSEK Managing Partner Quoted in Article on Indonesia’s Data Protection Bill

SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s New Mining Law to Coal & Minerals Asia

SSEK partners Fitriana Mahiddin and Fransiscus Rodyanto have contributed an article to Coal & Minerals Asia magazine. The article looks at the long-awaited amendment to Indonesia’s Mining Law and the significant changes this amendment promises to introduce to the sector and how mining companies operate in the country. Coal & Minerals Asia is published by Petromindo, SSEK Contributes Article on Indonesia’s New Mining Law to Coal & Minerals Asia

SSEK Lawyers Named to A-List of Leading Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK partners and foreign legal advisors have been named to Asia Business Law Journal‘s A-List of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers. SSEK’s A-List lawyers are founding partners Dyah Soewito and Ira A. Eddymurthy, and foreign legal advisors Michael D. Twomey, Jonathan M. Streifer and Michael S. Carl. The A-List of Indonesia leading lawyers was compiled based SSEK Lawyers Named to A-List of Leading Lawyers in Indonesia

SSEK Senior Partner Featured in Article on Leading Women Lawyers in Asia

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, is featured in an article by Asia Business Law Journal on senior women lawyers in Asia and their \"personal stories of successes, struggles and strategies for a more inclusive legal profession‚Äù. Ira, one of Indonesia\'s most experienced and highly regarded lawyers, talks about helping to SSEK Senior Partner Featured in Article on Leading Women Lawyers in Asia

SSEK Assists Malaysian Plantation Company in Sumatra Land Deal

SSEK has acted for Ladang Lekir Sdn. Bhd., a Malaysian oil palm and rubber plantation company, and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Perak State Agricultural Development Corporation, in the sale of its shares in an Indonesian oil palm company, PT Pinang Witmas Sejati. Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd. (KLK), a leading Malaysian multinational plantation SSEK Assists Malaysian Plantation Company in Sumatra Land Deal