Blog Category: Firm News

SSEK Delivers Presentation on Indonesia-Hong Kong Dual Listings

SSEK Law Firm and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (Hong Kong) recently gave a joint presentation on dual listings on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (“IDX”) and the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”). SSEK foreign legal advisor Michael S. Carl and senior associate Maria Yudhitama Eka Dewi discussed Indonesia’s regulatory treatment of dual listings, including Indonesian SSEK Delivers Presentation on Indonesia-Hong Kong Dual Listings

SSEK Again a Recommended Firm for Indonesia in Asia Pacific Green Guide

For a second consecutive  year, SSEK Law Firm is a Recommended Firm in the Asia Pacific Green Guide. Asia Pacific Green Guide 2024 is published by The Legal 500 to showcase key firms engaging with sustainability across the region. SSEK is one of only three firms recognized from Indonesia. The Asia Pacific Green Guide features SSEK Again a Recommended Firm for Indonesia in Asia Pacific Green Guide

SSEK Law Firm Holds Joint Seminar for Korean Companies on Compliance Issues in Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm, with Kim & Chang, an international law firm headquartered in Seoul, and the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Indonesia (“KoCham Indonesia”), recently held a joint seminar for Korean companies on “Key Compliance Issues in Indonesia, with a Focus on Privacy Laws, Compliance Systems, and Digital Forensics.” The seminar provided an SSEK Law Firm Holds Joint Seminar for Korean Companies on Compliance Issues in Indonesia

SSEK and AmCham Indonesia Tour IKN

SSEK Law Firm partner Stephen Igor Warokka and senior associate Indrawan Dwi Yuriotomo recently toured Indonesia’s planned new capital, Capital City of Nusantara (Ibu Kota Nusantara or “IKN”), with members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (“AmCham Indonesia”). They met with IKN Authority officials and discussed IKN’s progress, energy requirements, infrastructure, workers and SSEK and AmCham Indonesia Tour IKN

SSEK Assists on Singapore Listing of Malaysian Plantation Group TSH Resources Berhad

SSEK Law Firm partner Denny Rahmansyah assisted Malaysian plantation group TSH Resources Berhad on the Indonesian aspects of its secondary listing on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange (SGX). TSH Resources Berhad, a Malaysian public company listed on Bursa Malaysia, has 13 Indonesian subsidiaries. Denny led the SSEK team that performed due diligence on the SSEK Assists on Singapore Listing of Malaysian Plantation Group TSH Resources Berhad

SSEK Featured at Webinar for Chinese Investors on Investment in Indonesia and Thailand

SSEK Law Firm partner Fransiscus Rodyanto and associate Bima Danubrata Adhijoso spoke at a recent webinar for Chinese investors on the foreign investment environment in Indonesia and Thailand. The event was organized by Fangda Partners. Frans and Bima discussed the regulatory environment in Indonesia for foreign direct investment and fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for FDI. SSEK Featured at Webinar for Chinese Investors on Investment in Indonesia and Thailand

Upscaling Carbon Markets Across APAC – SSEK Contributes Indonesia Overview to New Report

Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA) has released a white paper on “Upscaling Carbon Markets Across APAC,” the first report of its kind focused on the Asia-Pacific region. SSEK foreign legal advisor Michael S. Carl and senior associate Aldilla Stephanie Suwana contributed an overview of Indonesia to the report. “Upscaling Carbon Markets Across Upscaling Carbon Markets Across APAC – SSEK Contributes Indonesia Overview to New Report

SSEK Lawyers Participate in 14th Asean Law Association General Assembly

SSEK Law Firm senior partner Ira A. Eddymurthy, partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) and  senior associate Aldilla S. Suwana participated in the 14th Asean Law Association (ALA) General Assembly 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ira was part of the panel on “Our Asean Sentinels,” which discussed how the legal community can forge new paths and SSEK Lawyers Participate in 14th Asean Law Association General Assembly