Blog Category: Events

SSEK Hosts Webinar on Covid-19 and the ‘New Normal’ in Jakarta

SSEK recently hosted an interactive webinar on Covid-19 and the New Normal – Jakarta Returns to the Workplace. The event featured policy specialists from the Jakarta provincial administration and a speaker from SSEK. They discussed Jakarta’s latest response to the pandemic, transitional measures and what to expect moving forward. SSEK partner Rusmaini Lenggogeni moderated the SSEK Hosts Webinar on Covid-19 and the ‘New Normal’ in Jakarta

SSEK Partner Helps Lead Online Course on M&A in Indonesia

SSEK partner Dewi Savitri Reni (Vitri) helped lead a recent online class on M&A transactions in Indonesia. The course was designed for prospective advocates. It was organized by Hukumonline, in collaboration with Yarsi University and PERADI Law Faculty. Vitri received her Bachelor of Laws from the University of Indonesia, and her LL.M. from the University SSEK Partner Helps Lead Online Course on M&A in Indonesia

Free SSEK Webinar on Covid-19 and the New Normal – Jakarta Returns to the Workplace

SSEK is hosting a free webinar on Monday, June 15, from 10 am to 12 pm, on the new normal as offices and businesses in Jakarta closed by Covid-19 begin to reopen. In this free interactive webinar, lawyers from SSEK and policy specialists from the Jakarta provincial administration will discuss Jakarta’s latest response to the Free SSEK Webinar on Covid-19 and the New Normal – Jakarta Returns to the Workplace

SSEK Holds Webinar on Covid-19 and Expatriate Employment and Immigration in Indonesia

SSEK Legal Consultants recently held a webinar on expatriate employment and immigration issues in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic, and expected developments as the country moves past the pandemic into the \"new normal”. The event featured guest speakers from Indonesia\'s Directorate General of Immigration and Ministry of Manpower, who covered topics including permits for foreign SSEK Holds Webinar on Covid-19 and Expatriate Employment and Immigration in Indonesia

Free Webinar: Expat Employment & Immigration in Indonesia in Wake of Covid-19

SSEK Legal Consultants is hosting a free webinar on Tuesday, June 2, to provide an overview of expatriate employment and immigration issues during the Covid-19 pandemic, and to look ahead at expected developments as the country moves forward. Scheduled speakers are Bapak Haryanto, Director of Foreign Manpower Utilization Control at the Ministry of Manpower; and Free Webinar: Expat Employment & Immigration in Indonesia in Wake of Covid-19

SSEK’s Michael Carl to Speak at Webinar on Restructuring & Security Enforcement of Debts

Michael S. Carl, a senior foreign counsel at SSEK, will speak at an upcoming webinar on Restructuring and Security Enforcement of Debts in the commodities sector. Background With a severe liquidity crunch affecting the commodities market, lenders and trade counterparts are increasingly concerned over issues relating to trade documentation, payment defaults and how to enforce SSEK’s Michael Carl to Speak at Webinar on Restructuring & Security Enforcement of Debts

SSEK Leads Webinar on COVID-19 Legal and Practical Insights

SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants senior partner Ira A. Eddymurthy, partner Stephen Igor Warokka and associate Aldilla S. Suwana led a recent webinar for the Indonesia chapter of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) on \"COVID-19 Legal and Practical Insights.‚Äù Ira presented on force majeure and COVID-19, while Stephen provided COVID-19-related labor and employment updates. SSEK Leads Webinar on COVID-19 Legal and Practical Insights

Webinar on COVID-19: Understanding Force Majeure in the Indonesian Mining Sector

CoalAsia and are hosting a webinar on Wednesday, May 20, from 2-3:30 pm on COVID-19 and force majeure in the Indonesian mining sector. SSEK will be featured at the webinar with a discussion of potential force majeure disputes between suppliers of mining commodities and their customers. This webinar will explore potential force majeure claims Webinar on COVID-19: Understanding Force Majeure in the Indonesian Mining Sector