Year Category: 2015

Indonesian Financial Regulation: A Year in Review

The Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or OJK), the financial services supervisory body in Indonesia, issued more than 30 regulations in 2014 covering capital markets, banks and non-bank financial institutions. Muliaman Hadad, the chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the OJK, issued a statement that the enactment of the regulations supported the goals Indonesian Financial Regulation: A Year in Review

Indonesian Negative Investment List vs. Cabotage Principle: ASEAN Investors Afloat in a Sea of Uncertainty in Indonesia

In furtherance of Indonesia’s commitment to welcome the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, Presidential Regulation Number 39 Year 2014 regarding List of Business Fields Closed to Investment and Business Fields Open, with Conditions, to Investment, dated April 24, 2014 (the 2014 DNI), continues to treat foreign investors from ASEAN countries differently Indonesian Negative Investment List vs. Cabotage Principle: ASEAN Investors Afloat in a Sea of Uncertainty in Indonesia

SSEK Lawyers Recognized as Leading Practitioners in Capital Markets

Ira A. Eddymurthy, a founding partner of SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants, and Michael S. Carl, a senior foreign legal advisor at the firm, have been selected for inclusion in the 2015 edition of Who’s Who Legal: Capital Markets, an independent guide to the world’s leading capital markets lawyers. Ira is recognized as a leading Structured SSEK Lawyers Recognized as Leading Practitioners in Capital Markets

Investing in Indonesia: Advertising and Marketing Sector

By Dewi Mayangsari Foreign parties that wish to invest in Indonesia directly must follow the rules for foreign direct investment in the relevant business sector. The foreign investor must first establish a limited liability company (PMA Company) to engage in business in Indonesia. The PMA Company will be licensed by the Indonesian Capital Investment Coordinating Investing in Indonesia: Advertising and Marketing Sector

ICCC Issues Policy Paper on Enhancing the Economic Relationship between Canada and Indonesia

The Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC) has released a policy paper examining the economic relationship between Indonesia and Canada and looking at opportunities to expand that relationship in six key economic sectors. The paper, Accelerating Indonesia’s Growth: Opportunities to Enhance the Indonesia-Canada Economic Relationship, notes that the two countries had bilateral trade of $3.4 billion ICCC Issues Policy Paper on Enhancing the Economic Relationship between Canada and Indonesia

SSEK Recognized on Kartini Day

April 21 in Indonesia is celebrated as Kartini Day, which recognizes the life and achievements of Raden Ayu Kartini, a national heroine for her work in the area of women’s rights. In conjunction with Kartini Day, Hukumonline, which provides news and analysis of Indonesia’s legal system, published an article looking at some of Indonesia’s leading SSEK Recognized on Kartini Day

An Eye on PPP in Indonesia

By Syahdan Z. Aziz Public-private partnerships (PPPs) interest infrastructure investors in Indonesia for a number of reasons. PPP sets forth the arrangement for cooperation between the Government and private business entities in infrastructure procurement to accelerate the development of adequate and needed infrastructure. There are advantages to the PPP scheme, including the availability of government An Eye on PPP in Indonesia

Indonesian Rules on E-Signatures

Continued growth in electronic transactions has resulted in electronic signatures, or e-signatures, becoming more common in daily transactions. In this article we discuss the use and applicability of e-signatures in Indonesia and the relevant regulations under Indonesian law. Introduction and definition E-signatures were unregulated in Indonesia until the enactment of Law No. 11 of 2008 Indonesian Rules on E-Signatures