Expertise: Shipping & Logistics

Shifting Tides: The Third Amendment to the Shipping Law and Its Impact on Indonesian Shipping Joint Ventures

The third amendment to Indonesia’s Shipping Law, through Law No. 66 of 2024 regarding the Third Amendment to Law No. 7 of 2008 on Shipping (“Third Amendment”), had a massive impact on Indonesian shipping joint ventures, i.e., shipping companies with a foreign entity as a shareholder (“Shipping JV”). The Third Amendment introduces, among other things, Shifting Tides: The Third Amendment to the Shipping Law and Its Impact on Indonesian Shipping Joint Ventures

Director General of Sea Transportation Reaffirms Vessel Registration Requirements for Joint Venture Shipping Companies in Indonesia

The Director General of Sea Transportation (“DGST”) of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation has reaffirmed the ship registration requirements for joint venture shipping companies with foreign ownership by virtue of the issuance of Circular Letter No. SE–DJPL 31 of 2024 dated August 19, 2024, regarding Supervision of the Implementation of Ship Registration Activities and Licensing Director General of Sea Transportation Reaffirms Vessel Registration Requirements for Joint Venture Shipping Companies in Indonesia

Ship Arrests in Indonesia

Indonesia is a signatory to the 1999 International Convention on Arrest of Ships, but has not ratified the convention into law, so it is not yet enforceable in Indonesia. Nevertheless, ship arrests are regulated by Law No. 17 of 2008 regarding Shipping, as amended by Law No. 6 of 2023 regarding the Stipulation of Government Ship Arrests in Indonesia

Ship Collision and Salvage in Indonesia

Indonesia has ratified the 1972 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, by way of Presidential Decree No. 50 of 1979, but has not ratified the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law with respect to Collisions between Vessels. Liability in the event of ship collisions is also regulated by the Indonesian Commercial Ship Collision and Salvage in Indonesia

Indonesia Shipping Law – Registration of Mortgages

Vessel mortgages in Indonesia fall under the authority and jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation. Pursuant to Articles 28 and 29 of Minister of Transportation (MOT) Regulation No. PM 39 of 2017 regarding the Registration and Nationality of Vessels (MOT Reg 39/2017), the beneficiaries of vessel mortgages may be Indonesian or foreign citizens, banks and Indonesia Shipping Law – Registration of Mortgages

SSEK Named Elite One Practice Leader, Top Firm at Indonesia Law Firm Awards

SSEK Law Firm was recognized as one of Indonesia’s largest and leading full-service law firms and an elite firm in numerous practice areas at the Hukumonline Top 100 Indonesia Law Firm Awards 2024. The awards honor law firms for their outstanding achievements and steadfast commitment to legal excellence, recognizing the dedication, hard work and innovation SSEK Named Elite One Practice Leader, Top Firm at Indonesia Law Firm Awards

Indonesia Shipping Law: Requirements for Ownership of Vessels

SSEK Law Firm partner Stephen Igor Warokka and associate Mutiara Kasih Ramadhani provide the latest information for Indonesia on port state control, marine casualties and owners’ liability, cargo claims, maritime liens and ship arrests, passenger claims, ship-owners’ income tax relief, and the implications of environmental regulations, trade sanctions and international conflict, in the Chambers and Indonesia Shipping Law: Requirements for Ownership of Vessels

Shipping Law – Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm partner Stephen I. Warokka and Mutiara K. Ramadhani, an associate at the firm, have contributed the Indonesia chapter to the Chambers Shipping 2024 global guide. The guide provides the latest information on port state control, marine casualties and owners’ liability, cargo claims, maritime liens and ship arrests, passenger claims, ship-owners’ income tax Shipping Law – Indonesia