Expertise: Private Equity

SSEK Partners, Advisors Named Leading Lawyers for Indonesia by Asialaw

Five SSEK Law Firm partners and foreign legal advisors have been recognized as leading lawyers for Indonesia in the new Asialaw directory of the top law firms and lawyers in Asia Pacific. The SSEK lawyers recognized are:   Ira A. Eddymurthy – Distinguished Practitioner for Corporate and M&A Denny Rahmansyah – Distinguished Practitioner for Corporate SSEK Partners, Advisors Named Leading Lawyers for Indonesia by Asialaw

Private Equity in Indonesia – Fund Regulation and Licensing

Under Indonesian capital markets laws and regulations, special licensing or approval is not required, except for a securities company acting as a stockbroker, where both the buyer and seller must be licensed by the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) (OJK). No Indonesian licence, approval or permit is generally required for either the buyers Private Equity in Indonesia – Fund Regulation and Licensing

Private Equity in Indonesia – Incentive Schemes

Foreign entities often structure acquisitions of Indonesian entities so they can rely on Indonesia’s double tax treaties with, among others, Singapore, Hong Kong or the Netherlands, as governed under Directorate General of Taxation Regulation No. Per-25/PJ/2018 regarding Avoidance of Double Taxation. Further, to encourage investment, Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 258/PMK.03/2008 regarding Article 26 Withholding Private Equity in Indonesia – Incentive Schemes