Expertise: Perbankan & Keuangan

Microfinance Institutions Move Out of Regulatory Black Hole

Microfinance Institutions (“MFIs”) play an important role in Indonesia, dispensing financial support to people and small businesses that might not have qualified in the traditional banking system. Until recently MFIs largely operated without a comprehensive regulatory framework to guide their operations, and with little supervision. After a long wait the Government has issued a framework Microfinance Institutions Move Out of Regulatory Black Hole

Indonesian Banks Get New Ownership Rules

Indonesia’s central bank, Bank Indonesia (“BI”), has issued a regulation designed to improve the competitiveness of the banking system by streamlining bank ownership through consolidation and enhancing supervision, particularly in the area of good corporate governance. BI Regulation No. 14/24/PBI/2012 regarding Single Ownership in Indonesian Banks was issued on December 26, 2012. It addresses what Indonesian Banks Get New Ownership Rules

New BI Regulation on the Share Ownership of Commercial Banks

Long awaited by the banking industry and having gone through a lengthy process within Bank Indonesia (BI) itself, where several share purchase transactions were put on hold by BI, BI has issued a new regulation on the ownership of commercial banks, as contained in BI Regulation No. 14/8/PBI/2012 regarding the Share Ownership of Commercial Banks New BI Regulation on the Share Ownership of Commercial Banks