We provided pro bono services to establish the Red Nose Foundation (in Indonesian, Yayasan Hidung Merah) as a non-profit organization. The Red Nose Foundation is an arts and education outreach program based in Indonesia’s capital city, Jakarta, which strives to help children gain self-confidence, discipline and teamwork skills through the structured study of different physical, visual and musical arts.
Its mission is to empower Indonesia’s underprivileged youth through the use of circus and other arts, as well as to support the children’s traditional and non-traditional educations.
SSEK assisted the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia) with its fund-raising efforts for disaster relief programs in Indonesia, by reviewing its legal status and preparing constitutional amendments for the organization to become a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in the United States.
Our foreign advisors have lectured at the Faculties of Law of the University of Indonesia, Trisakti University and Gadjah Mada University, among others.
From 1992-1998, SSEK attorneys were involved in Indonesia’s commercial law reform project, the ELIPS Project, the largest single-country effort of its kind in the world, and were founding members of the project’s Board of Advisors.