YSIAC, the Young SIAC committee of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), is hosting a webinar on Friday, October 22.
The webinar, Arbitration: Setting Off on the Right Foot, will explore best practices to avoid a wrong step from arbitration agreement to award.
About the webinar
Consent lies at the heart of arbitration. From parties' agreement to arbitrate all the way through to receipt of the award, consensus drives the process. One wrong step along the way and everything may potentially be undermined.
In this webinar, panelists explore the instances on the fringe where consent may be nuanced or subject to caveats, or even withdrawn or vitiated, at times to the inadvertence of one or more parties. From these cautionary tales we glean how best to set off on the right foot - or at least how to avoid tripping up - from arbitration agreement to award.