Blog Category: Pembaruan Hukum

Indonesia Regulates Responsibility of Digital Platform Companies to Support Quality Journalism

A regulation that takes effect on August 20, 2024, sets out new obligations for digital platform companies operating in Indonesia to support quality journalism. Presidential Regulation No. 32 of 2024 regarding the Responsibilities of Digital Platform Companies to Support Quality Journalism (“PR 32/2024”) was issued on February 20, 2024. Essentially, PR 32/2024 aims to provide Indonesia Regulates Responsibility of Digital Platform Companies to Support Quality Journalism

Indonesia Regulatory Update – Sharia Futures Commodity Trading

The Indonesian Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Body (Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi or “Bappebti”) has introduced a sharia-based physical commodity market in the framework of strengthening the liquidity of commodity futures trading transactions and implementing an organized, sharia-based physical market. Bappebti Regulation No. 5 of 2024 regarding the Implementation of Physical Commodity Markets Based on Indonesia Regulatory Update – Sharia Futures Commodity Trading

Indonesia’s OJK Introduces Changes to Share Ownership Reporting

On February 28, 2024, the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK”) introduced significant changes to the requirements for reporting ownership or changes in ownership of shares in a public company. These new requirements were introduced by OJK Regulation No. 4 of 2024, dated February 28, 2024, regarding the Reporting of Share Ownership Indonesia’s OJK Introduces Changes to Share Ownership Reporting

Remedies for IP Infringement in Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm partner Rusmaini Lenggogeni and associate Dian Kirana provide the latest information for Indonesia on intellectual property law, the nexus between competition and IP rights, and consideration of industry standards; competition law, including such issues as interactions with copyright exhaustion or first sale doctrines; merger review; specific examples of competition law violations; remedies; Remedies for IP Infringement in Indonesia

Indonesia Shipping Law: Requirements for Ownership of Vessels

SSEK Law Firm partner Stephen Igor Warokka and associate Mutiara Kasih Ramadhani provide the latest information for Indonesia on port state control, marine casualties and owners’ liability, cargo claims, maritime liens and ship arrests, passenger claims, ship-owners’ income tax relief, and the implications of environmental regulations, trade sanctions and international conflict, in the Chambers and Indonesia Shipping Law: Requirements for Ownership of Vessels

Digital Health – Indonesia

SSEK Law Firm has contributed the Indonesia chapter to Lexology Panoramic: Digital Health 2024. We look at the digital health legal and regulatory framework in Indonesia; data protection and management; intellectual property rights, licensing and enforcement; advertising, marketing and e-commerce; payment and reimbursement; and recent trends. Click here for Digital Health – Indonesia  

New OJK Regulation on Technological Innovation in Indonesia’s Financial Sector

To help regulate Technological Innovations in the Financial Sector (Inovasi Teknologi Sektor Keuangan or “ITSK”), Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or “OJK”) recently issued OJK Regulation No. 3 of 2024 dated February 16, 2024, regarding the Implementation of ITSK (“OJK Reg. 3/2024”). This is an implementing regulation for Law No. 4 of 2023 New OJK Regulation on Technological Innovation in Indonesia’s Financial Sector

Indonesia Employment Law Update: Constitutional Court Affirms Statute of Limitation for Filing Employment Termination Lawsuits

On 29 February 2024, through its Decision No. 94/PUU-XXI/2023, Indonesia’s Constitutional Court affirmed that an employment termination lawsuit can only be filed within one year of the date of notification of employment termination. In the decision, the Constitutional Court said Article 82 of Law No. 2 of 2004 concerning Industrial Dispute Settlement (“Law No. 2 Indonesia Employment Law Update: Constitutional Court Affirms Statute of Limitation for Filing Employment Termination Lawsuits

Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Indonesia

The introduction and rise of artificial intelligence (“AI”) in different industries and sectors, including the financial services sector and the telecommunications industry, is affecting almost every aspect of how those industries and sectors operate. Despite the many advantages of AI, the transition to its increased carries potential risks if not accompanied by appropriate laws and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Indonesia

Indonesia Looks to Attract Investment, Skilled Workers with Changes to Immigration Provisions

Indonesia’s Minister of Law and Human Rights has introduced changes to the regulatory framework for visas and stay permits with the goal of attracting greater flows of investment and creating an investment climate that attracts highly skilled talents. This article focuses on changes to provisions on visas and stay permits under MOLHR Regulation No. 22 Indonesia Looks to Attract Investment, Skilled Workers with Changes to Immigration Provisions